Discouragement in a sentence as a noun

"It's not a discouragement, so don't take it as such.

Thanks for the discouragement, but I'll continue trying.

"I'm going to say this is not only blatantly false, but just bad advice and nothing but discouragement.

But there's always the dark side, the discouragement, difficulty, and flames from the internet along the lines of "Lol, you'll fail.

Sometimes a little girl power is just what helps you to keep going in the face of subtle or overt discouragement from the people around you.

Regulations that come in should be about quality of product, not discouragement of purchase.

Now most of them would consider themselves very open minded and enlightened, yet their is active discouragement for radical ideas without due consideration as to their merits.

So for example, the Django docs are filled with much traditional discouragement around using the staticfiles serving app in production, including vague 'this is insecure' intimations.

This simplistic 'snap out of it' ideology belies and belittles the very real issues of fear, discouragement and depression that underly much of what people berate themselves over as 'laziness'.

As much as I've enjoyed being on HN the past few years, and Reddit the past 8, I'm fairly close to swearing myself off of them entirely so I can focus better without rampant discouragement for the sake of the commenter's ego.

If the tapes only contain content describing a general culture of discouragement of rigorous oversight, it's not totally surprising or any more jaw-droppingly incriminating than previous knowledge concerning the Fed's relationship with the banks.

Lest we unintentionally start sending messages something like "Oh, well you're obviously not as gifted as Michael Jordan at Basketball, so you should probably not even bother learning the game at all." That's an intentionally exaggerated example to get my point across, but particularly when it comes to early childhood development I believe we should not underestimate the effect of even a stray word of encouragement/discouragement.

Certainly there's literally other options available for JS.> unsafe, inconvenient and slowSomeone holding up Ruby as an example while complaining about safety and speed in other languages is... interesting.> the "with" usage on which this hack is based is actively discouraged by everyone using JavaScript as it basically mixes in the object into the current scope"with" gets a bad rap, and its blanket discouragement/deprecation may be as big a mistake as its original design.

Discouragement definitions


the feeling of despair in the face of obstacles

See also: disheartenment dismay


the expression of opposition and disapproval


the act of discouraging; "the discouragement of petty theft"