Dipole in a sentence as a noun

This was into a poorly tuned dipole at 35ft.

A dipole would be at 1/2 wavelength or 21 cm at the lowest frequency. At 1/4 wavelength you'd be looking at 10 cm long.

Another promising approach is levitated dipole, but I don't know what costs look like for that one.

Hang a bandpass LC filter on the output then feed to a dipole? Disclaimer: not an active HAM, used to clean seagull **** off 500KHz distress aerials on small ships in the last century.

There was also MIT's levitated dipole, which looked interesting and would work well for D-D fusion but sadly their funding was cut. Google turns up lots of information on this stuff.

What actually happened was that they placed a new upper limit on the electric dipole moment of electrons. This has implications for physics beyond the standard model.

There is no global dipole magnetic field on Mars [1]. However there are weak fields "frozen" into some of the oldest rocks on Mars [2], which indicates that the planet did have a global magnetic field at some point in its early history.

Toys idly with desk magnets while thinking about it Then again, given that photons are massless maybe there could be such a thing as a gravitational dipole... /timecube

Could differently oriented electric and gravitational fields compete to orient a given dipole? Yes, all relevant fields will have an impact on what's happening.

Of course it's not a monopole, but the dipole idea is also too simplistic, as is the idea of "poles". Presumably, the dipole moment of the Sun has become very small but there are still higher orders at work. Thus, the field of the Sun will look very much more complex than the simple dipole field [0].

Could differently oriented electric and gravitational fields compete to orient a given dipole?

Levitated dipole sorta turns tokamaks inside-out, with the plasma contained around the outside of a solid levitating torus. This seems to solve some plasma instabilities that tokamaks struggle with.

MIT's levitated dipole was cancelled, UW's FRC was reduced to computational studies, etc. Even MIT's Alcator C-Mod, one of our leading tokamaks, keeps getting threatened with cancellation.

Forget exotic microwave work an just try to have the same software and user interface model both a stereotypical ham radio dude 20M dipole and simultaneously be usable for a kids arduino LED blinker and make a simple flashlight. I would claim that minecraft redstone is a local maxima and you'd do best to try and extend/mod it.

Each antenna is an ordinary omnidirectional dipole, but several of them working together, with calculated phase delays, provide a kind of directionality if you want to think about it that way.

The authors argue that, in a dielectric medium, light can induce an electric dipole moment in the direction of the light propagation by shifting the average location of atomic electrons in that direction. This moment becomes a means of storing energy, and they expect that heat loss would be much less than in traditional semiconductor solar cells.

Bussard was one, but there's a lot of alternative fusion research going on, including MIT's levitated dipole, Sandia's MagLIF, several variants of laser fusion, stellerators, focus fusion, General Fusion, Helion, Lockheed's high-beta design, Tri-Alpha, and probably others I've forgotten. Some of these are well-funded, others are struggling.

If that holds, then an ambient gravitational field in an area would presumably be strengthened by virtual particle pairs aligning their gravitational dipole with that of the ambient field, quite neatly explaining the anomalous observations that brought about the dark matter theory in the first place. There are more recent observations that this new theory doesn't yet explain, but it doesn't seem an insurmountable challenge.

Dipole definitions


a pair of equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles separated by a small distance


an aerial half a wavelength long consisting of two rods connected to a transmission line at the center