Diluent in a sentence as a noun

You can mix it with propylene glycol if you are using other diluents as well.

Because as all blood diluents it can have dramatic consequences - a hemorrhage.

""26X 13C 10−26 If pure water were used as the diluent, no molecules of the original solution remain in the water.

"The heavier your crude oil is, the less polymer you need [to make CanaPux] and the more diluent you need" to send that oil through a pipeline, Auld said.

Just because N2 isn't directly controlled doesn't mean [N2] isn't a valid factor - even if its only mechanistic action is as a diluent.

I suggested this in an earlier reply, and confirmed the fact in a Reuters artice:Each barrel extracted from the Orinoco belt needs some kind of diluent to be transported and exported.

One company I know of sells flavorings that are mostly organic water/alcohol/other diluents, but then the other 5% can be anything and you only need very small amounts of concentrated flavorings which can be anything "nature identical".

> First, to send bitumen through a pipeline, a diluent to make the bitumen flow more easily must be added, and that diluent is often 30 percent or more of the volume traveling through the pipelineMy first that was that even though this seems like a good idea there's no way oil companies would go for the added expense, but I didn't realize there was so much additive already needed when oil is sent through a pipeline.> That said, Auld was explicit that a solution like CanaPux probably wouldn't work for anything but the heaviest of crudes.

Diluent definitions


a diluting agent

See also: dilutant thinner