Diffusion in a sentence as a noun

The other diffusion predictors are missing or weak.

Or, to look at it another way, the bottleneck is often not invention, but diffusion.

When has this "diffusion into distributed services" happened before?

Basically, the company is switching ownership from one conglomerate to a diffusion of others.

Also, it is possible to use diffusion limited aggregation or erosion simulation but I have been down both those routes and they are not as easy to get good results with.

I have been playing with voronoi diagrams and diffusion limited aggregation recently , and it is amazing some of the structures that will emerge when a system reaches equilibrium.

"And so when cable channels started taking broadcast signals and pumping them over cable wires, the broadcasters said, 'Well, you know, when we took that music from the record labels that was progress, but when you take our radio diffusion and pump it down over a cable that's just piracy'.

Interference patterns of periodic, coherent reaction-diffusion waves in cytoplasm and larger spatial scales could account for scale-free information patterns regulating biological systems including the brain.

The putative overlap in related and unrelated areas of research, from oxidative damage to epigenetic regulation to arguments relating to 3D diffusion within the cellular environment, is extensive and both a source of inspiration and trepidation.

""And then, the company that invented the VCR, Sony, joined with the major studios in suing the Internet for taking movies that had been diffused on DVD or VHS cassette or over the air and said, "You know, when we put your cable diffusion on a VHS cassette, that was progress, but when you take it and put it on the Internet, that's just piracy.

Diffusion definitions


(physics) the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration


the spread of social institutions (and myths and skills) from one society to another


the property of being diffused or dispersed

See also: dissemination


the act of dispersing or diffusing something; "the dispersion of the troops"; "the diffusion of knowledge"

See also: dispersion dispersal dissemination