Diagnose in a sentence as a verb

I'm using WebMD to diagnose my own problems.

Easy to diagnose the issue when you hear "Mach Pizza, can I take your order?

How cruel is it to discuss him publicly, and diagnose him publicly?

If you call up with an issue with "your Internet," they can remotely diagnose it and reset your modem/router.

And, how many of these people could diagnose an F18 problem --even if qualified-- without access to real engineering and test data?

You'll forestall any complaints and questions about whether you're sure it was a black widow and shorten the time to diagnose and begin treatment.

Now you had to diagnose problems in a system that had been designed to be "invisible," meaning it was hostile to exploration.

Sometimes it means building better communications skills, so that you can diagnose what your users are complaining about.

You can see all the wiring and plumbing and instantly diagnose any problems with it, you can see into your household appliances, and you never lose your keys or your cell phone.

At one point during his incarceration, his attorney requested bail based on the jail's inability to properly diagnose/treat the problem.

I cannot diagnose his exact condition, but he shared many traits of the common sociopath -- all except that he was never very charming, generally speaking.

No doctor or hospital wants to accept the liability of saying that they saw a patient previously diagnosed with a disorder and then determined that they didn't need treatment.

You can marginally improve your odds of getting cancer by avoiding medical scans, but only at the cost of massively increasing your odds of dying from something those scans might have helped diagnose.

The surgery was curative, as the patient's complaints and disabilities all went away after it was over, but the lung infection was never definitively diagnosed.

The reason why the FDA has a problem with them is not the fact that they are decoding DNA for people, it is the fact that they are interpreting the results to diagnose specific medical conditions direct to the public.

Two days before launch while trying to diagnose a particularly obscure bug the team digressed from trying to fix the bug to griping about which framework was used and why it was a bad decision and how unrealistic the expectations from the client were, etc.

It is so widely prevalent in modern populations, though, that many doctors refuse to recognize, diagnose, or treat for that condition, dismissing it as "a healthy psychological state which just doesn't mesh very well with the expectations of the labor market.

Diagnose definitions


determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis

See also: name


subject to a medical analysis