Dexterous in a sentence as an adjective

Startup idea: We have a lot of dexterous muscles in the face.

It'll be a while before robots are as flexible and dexterous as animals.

The Russian Orlan suit [1] is pressurized higher than the US EMU [2], and gloves are not as dexterous.

And, thumbs are not dexterous enough to make large words through this system without it getting annoying very quickly.

If I have a penchant for being dexterous with my right hand, I will probably enjoy hobbies where I can exploit that to its fullest.

Most of the agile problems I've seen have been organizations cargo-culting things they've read, rather than trying to actually be dexterous.

If you've got particularly dexterous fingers you could probably count in Ternary and get to 59048, much higher than binary's 1023

FTA: " show what Mr. Peers and Mr. Godley — along with more than a million spiders and a dexterous team of intrepid Malagasy spider handlers — had accomplished.

The form factor of a mouse can be made to very closely align ergonomically with the time proven accuracy of the artisans dexterous hand.

As computer scientists and engineers and computer/modern-tech savvy people, our hands and fingers are more dexterous than others, I imagine, because we use them for these meticulous tasks all day long.

You surely need dexterous fingers to become an accomplished neurosurgeon or a violinist, but this trait is pointless by itself, and 1 in a 1000 level of dexterity is good enough, so you don't gain anything by going beyond that.

I think there is a real difference between an automated loom replacing humans for one particular task, and a highly dexterous robot that can replace humans for any task requiring manual manipulation.

But... I find evolution easy to understand and reason about--at least in simple cases of obvious improvements to an organism; the evolution of behaviors that are useful only in a group or in a family with certain structure is much more difficult, because it's hard to know what hominid societies were like; but most of the obvious changes between humans and more primitive mammals--getting taller and more dexterous and brainy--are easy to at least decide to be plausible.

Dexterous definitions


skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands; "a deft waiter"; "deft fingers massaged her face"; "dexterous of hand and inventive of mind"

See also: deft dextrous