Devolve in a sentence as a verb

Just don't let that devolve into "we are better than them", as it usually happens.

This thread won't devolve into a battle of contrarians.

Perhaps the letters are worded awkwardly, but let's not devolve HN into a Reddit joke thread.

....which would explain why every first world country uses it except the US?I'd much prefer we don't devolve into a political argument.

I can understand why so many hn discussions devolve into personal attacks and accusations.

"Flat" organizations tend to devolve into young-wolf conflicts and evolve their own unofficial hierarchies.

How we all agree that every company works in their self interest and tries to spin it as best they can for the public's interest?Or this will just quickly devolve into point scoring nit picking.

It's just the kind of stuff that's going to make this all devolve into a battle of words about who the best/worst/most evil/most creative/most underdog/most overvalued/undervalued/deserving/undeserving companies are. Frankly a generalization like that without any specifics or context is a fanboy thing to say.

Daniel Jalkut has posted his own take on the situation [1].I appreciate it, because whenever these situations pop up, they quickly devolve into "tech is full of unprofessional assholes" versus "stop being such a baby".

If driven by US involvement, will a grassroots rebellion against the Cuban regime actually result in an open, honest democracy or will it devolve into a feeding frenzy for US interests, led by US-friendly politicians pushed into place by US operatives?

Devolve definitions


pass on or delegate to another; "The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital"


be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"

See also: fall return pass


grow worse; "Her condition deteriorated"; "Conditions in the slums degenerated"; "The discussion devolved into a shouting match"

See also: deteriorate drop degenerate