Deuteron in a sentence as a noun

Can they generate muons, combine them with deuterons, and lase them before the muons decay?

Actually, why is it that the deuteron's charge radius is so much larger than the proton's?

"In the latter case, that extra neutron can start the process over again, allowing two more deuterons to fuse.

“The electrons in the metal lattice form a screen around the stationary deuteron,” says Benyo.

The cross section for photodisintegration of a deuteron is much smaller than the cross section for loss to electrons.

The first step in this proton-proton-chain is the reaction of two protons to a deuteron, which requires conversion of one of them into a neutron.

Very unstable, essentially no binding energy, so it's mass is very close to 2 protons, which is still above the deuteron mass.

People have been putting moderate energy deuterons into deuterated materials since the 1930s.

In the new method, a neutron source “heats” or accelerates deuterons sufficiently such that when colliding with a neighboring deuteron it causes D-D fusion reactions.

I guess it is a little OT, but I was interested to read elswhere that room-temperature fusion is already possible, demonstrated and understood using negative muons to produce proton-deuteron fusion reaction.

Deuteron definitions


the nucleus of deuterium; consists of one proton and one neutron; used as a bombarding particle in accelerators