Detonate in a sentence as a verb

If the air is too hot, it can cause the fuel to detonate prematurely.

Better to figure out why people want to detonate bombs in the first place and solve that problem.

So no margin calls to suddenly detonate the market.

So the bombs didn't fail, one of them armed and tried to detonate exactly as designed when dropped from an aircraft.

Then his father happen to build up anger against americans, board a plane and walk to Times Square to detonate his vest.

It is not unreasonable for the FBI to be concerned that they may have left other bombs in place that could detonate later.

According to the Appleistas, it still counts as "thermonuclear war" if you detonate the nukes over your own cities.

But someone who willingly goes through the steps required t detonate what they believe to be a fully armed truck bomb is not a mere innocent victim.

If this theory is true, it must be that the power system of Melmac is linked directly into the core & the energy surge would cause the planet to detonate.

Even nuclear war isn't a threat to species survival, you could detonate thousands of nukes simultaneously and it wouldn't come close to killing us off.

All a terrorist about to be discovered at the airport security gate would have to do to complete his deadly mission would be to detonate his bomb right then and there.

It spends a lot of time documenting some really basic deficiencies -- bombs that could detonate if overheated or struck by a single projectile, for example.

Whether he was advancing economic theory or telling the military the most efficient altitude to detonate a bomb, it was all the same basic skill set.

On what basis do you make this statement "Even nuclear war isn't a threat to species survival, you could detonate thousands of nukes simultaneously and it wouldn't come close to killing us off."

We can detonate all our nuclear bombs and put megatons of aerosols into the atmosphere, we can try to jump start various ecosystems, we can try to change the proportion of various chemicals in the atmosphere.

All of your examples don't fall under the category of "Don't be Evil" but rather "Don't do anything Illegal".Apple equally could ship every iPhone with a keystroke logger and a C4 explosive to detonate every time someone typed Android.

I get this strange feeling you might not be supporting a similar purely technical description of the story had it been about the Taliban finding a new way to remotely detonate IEDs to blow up Western convoys using a cool spread spectrum in order to avoid jamming.

Why would anyone want to launch a nuclear missile that's pretty much guaranteed to not his its target?Because with a nuclear air-to-air missile in its intended role, you don't need to "hit the target", you just need to detonate somewhere in the general area of the bomber formation that you are trying to whittle down.

Detonate definitions


cause to burst with a violent release of energy; "We exploded the nuclear bomb"

See also: explode


burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction;"the bomb detonated at noon"; "The Molotov cocktail exploded"

See also: explode