Detest in a sentence as a verb

I detest FB as much as the next guy, but this is ridiculous.

It's hard to think of a relationship I detest more than my relationship with my ISP/MSO.

I detest "oh that was just a poor example, but the general principle is&;&." kind of debates.

I really detest that term. The implication is that if you aren't out there doing something then you should just shut up and not be upset.

I detest stupidity, which, arguably, makes me a very unhappy man most of the time.

I personally detest that paradigm shift in the game. Yes, you have to know how to analyze the board and evaluate positions, of course you do.

Ugh, I absolutely detest the attitude on display here. .

I, for one, detest the new trend of every website trying to invent its own windowing manager." New Compose" is the perfect example of this.

If they're assholes in a manner most people detest, they may either not care, or see themselves as crusaders bringing truth to the unwashed masses. Myhrvold is an ******* in all three senses.

As a Indian, I detest each time our government kills/arrests a law abiding citizen of India - for just being a Muslim. Terrorists win each time.

If it's a waiter, he'd better be even quicker, because we detest seeing men do degrading work even more. So all the marketing is depersonalised.

I detest Facebook's attitude towards privacy. I've got my account on complete lockdown.

Really detest simple problems "overly" expressed in guru-ified STL. Can't read it, can't modify it, can't extend it, can't debug it. Naturally this means I'm not a great fan of Boost.

I detest coffee shops for trying to get any work done for a couple reasons. First, no matter how hard I try, noise always seems to seep in through my headphones, and second, it's too dynamic of an environment for me- people walking around and moving is distracting for me.

I absolutely detest camelCase. It ranks down there with good-old Hungarian notation.

I absolutely detest MLA style citation. It's overly complex and needlessly adds information where it is not readily useful in context.

I as a Brit absolutely detest when sales staff are pushy and forcing their way into your purchase decisions. This is generally highly frowned upon in UK culture and is not something the majority like.

It's one of the things I detest about politics in Italy: ordinary people are so convinced that nothing can ever change that they make zero effort to do anything, and, surprisingly, things do not change.

Well I did this for my passport for several reasons, foremost being I detest the idea of facial recognition, it's an invasion of my privacy and my right to digital anonymity. For the same reason I don't have a facebook page, ask friends never to tag me in images and generally avoid photographs.

And even they tend to be a force for good, curbing the worst excesses of successive governments, though I may be more positively inclined towards them than I could otherwise be as I detest the current government so like that the Lords are giving them the run around.

Detest definitions


dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards; "I hate Mexican food"; "She detests politicians"

See also: hate