Despicable in a sentence as an adjective

If the above is true, that's absolutely despicable.

In the process she took away someone's livelihood, which is despicable in my opinion.

What the NSA does is despicable, unconstitutional, ineffective and a waste of treasure.

I think this is a despicable anti-consumer design choice, but nobody's taking action against it.

Zynga is a despicable company, and I have absolutely no respect for the company itself or Pincus.

The vultures, despicable as they are, would be powerless to do anything to delinquent but for being armed for the task by the enabling government.

The only base for that is "he's for prop 8, so he must be despicable person, so he's evil, so we have reasonable suspicion he would hate us because that's what evil people do".

Those who try to take away from his accomplishment by either convincing him that it would be "smarter" to be spineless or that somehow it's wrong to have a spine, are even more despicable than Josh's abusive ex-boss.

I'm in no way advocating what Ben did but it's despicable how everyone jumped onto the bandwagon to exacerbate and publicize what should have been a minor event dealt with on employer-employee basis, not a public shaming.

If I was less polite, I would say how much I hate your ignorant, lazy self-righteousness and how this despicable and inhuman attitude is a major factor in how our system destroys people with little to no scientific justification.

On top of that with those useless patents they get to act as if they owned the whole of Android, and get to dictate manufacturers how to make their Android phones?I have no words for Microsoft, they're simply despicable and I don't know how anyone could support such a company that has proven time and time again they will adopt such tactics to destroy their competition.

Despicable definitions


morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar"

See also: ugly vile slimy unworthy worthless wretched