Designed in a sentence as an adjective

Pencil isn't designed to only work with Paper.

Clojure, like Common Lisp, is designed to be compiled, and does not in general look things up by name at runtime.

Projects have been ruined when instruments do not work or do not work as well as designed because of dust, ESD, or a hair particle.

They are designed to make dissent as dangerous as possible through every means they can get away with.

Just look at the yacht he designed without Jonathan Ive's collaboration.

What I find the most amazing about this whole thing is that it was designed by the same architect as the "death ray" building in Las Vegas.

They were designed to be disposable, and subsequently were marketed to kids quite often.

I like to be reassured that a company will, in the long term, fail when its products are cynically designed to manipulate.

SRP is better than Dragonfly; it's designed to make it hard for an attacker who seizes a server to collect a database of passwords.

Before, I thought of it mostly as an inevitable consequence of badly designed systems.

Over the years that has repeatedly manifested as problems no one should ever expect a database engine to have if properly designed.

The stock icons look outright ugly; interfaces like the call-answer screen and the calculator look poorly designed, and everything has the sense that it just needs another run or two through the review process.

It was originally designed in contrast to gmail scanning your email for targeted advertising, but my imperfect memory says that their system should also have been resilient to "we have a warrant, hand over the data.

Whenever anybody says that CSS is easy, or "of course you can do that with CSS", or even hints that CSS is somehow well-designed......the only thing I really need to say, is that every couple months, on Hacker News, where a lot of really smart people hang out, a new top-voted story comes up about how to center a div.

Designed definitions


done or made or performed with purpose and intent; " more than the deliberate and designed creation"- Havelock Ellis; "games designed for all ages"; "well-designed houses"

See also: intentional