Resilient in a sentence as an adjective

The only problem is, MM is extremely resilient, and the cells are everywhere.

We're insane about it, and we have huge jobs that run constantly on our systems to ensure that we're even resilient to bad hardware.

If you want to make the financial system more resilient against collapse, you ought to press for structural reform to prevent these unstable situations from occurring again.

What other personal communication channel is that resilient to technological change ?

"Earth and its ecosystems – created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting" - Roy Spencer

It was originally designed in contrast to gmail scanning your email for targeted advertising, but my imperfect memory says that their system should also have been resilient to "we have a warrant, hand over the data.

Resilient definitions


recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like


elastic; rebounds readily; "clean bouncy hair"; "a lively tennis ball"; "as resilient as seasoned hickory"; "springy turf"

See also: bouncy live lively springy