Derange in a sentence as a verb

Your body, if you don't derange her with stimulant drinks and *******, she will tell you, "I need to rest!

A woman can totally derange a mans life with zero evidence.

It's good to see that in at least one case the parents were right: playing video games does derange your mind for the rest of your life.

I've got nothing to say in defense of itPlease don't use such headlines on HN. As this thread demonstrates, they derange discussion.

If anything I would expect the edge cases and tricky behavior to derange Bing further.

I upvoted you and then immediately thought..."Oh wait... women can be deranged killers as well."So..

Above all, I'd appreciate it if you'd spend less time calling other people deranged, and more time civilly arguing your case.

No idea what the mechanism here is, but it certainly feels like *** doesn’t derange the rational centers of thought as quickly.

" I'm sorry to say I don't believe there is typically anything satisfying about the answers of people who become deranged.

Why not donate a whole lot of money to a public mental health project so there aren't so many deranged lunatics screaming on public transit?

It's also used as a tactic to derange a discussion and get offtopic top comments to bore away or otherwise trap casual, click-happy readers.

Just listen to your grandma instead of being a techno nerd who drinks red bull until he is deranged with permanently lowered IQ from sleep deprivation and a weird disease.

> Isn't this the explicit purpose of the NSA, to spy on the communications of foreign governments?In what deranged world-view does being "the explicit purpose" of something make it right?

This post is asking whether others have been asked to create a g+ account in order to log in using Google, not "I'm taking all my toys and going home" or whatever childish way you want to characterize people who are "deranged" about Google.

Cause it reads like something a deranged person would write to me... Making comments about how Google employees automatically bring police, "All of Google's employees should be prevented from getting to work", etc. Yeah they do bring police.. to deal with nutjobs that decide to randomly show up at their houses and stop them from working, stop a bus in the middle of the street and cause a disruption, etc.

Derange definitions


derange mentally, throw out of mental balance; make insane; "The death of his parents unbalanced him"

See also: unbalance


throw into great confusion or disorder; "Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt"

See also: perturb