Deranged in a sentence as an adjective

This is perhaps more harmful, as it comes from people who aren't obviously deranged or trolling.

This is so deranged that I can't tell if it's a parody of HN's reaction to this turn of events or a serious post.

I upvoted you and then immediately thought..."Oh wait... women can be deranged killers as well."So..

Above all, I'd appreciate it if you'd spend less time calling other people deranged, and more time civilly arguing your case.

When I declined, saying I'd rather go wandering, he and his friends looked at me like I was some kind of partially deranged maniac.

Am I the only one who, though exposed to violent media as a young child, didn't turn into a deranged psychopath?

" I'm sorry to say I don't believe there is typically anything satisfying about the answers of people who become deranged.

Why not donate a whole lot of money to a public mental health project so there aren't so many deranged lunatics screaming on public transit?

> In what deranged world-view does being "the explicit purpose" of something make it right?That is like being shocked and horrified that animal control puts down stray dogs.

> Isn't this the explicit purpose of the NSA, to spy on the communications of foreign governments?In what deranged world-view does being "the explicit purpose" of something make it right?

This post is asking whether others have been asked to create a g+ account in order to log in using Google, not "I'm taking all my toys and going home" or whatever childish way you want to characterize people who are "deranged" about Google.

Versus Haskell, it is the difference between one day waking up and finding out that layer upon layer of unspeakable ad-hocery have suddenly yielded a deranged spam bot suffering from a severe case of logorrhea that can pass the turing test, given a patient examiner..

We're talking well beyond just ad hominem attacks and insults - many a blogger have been entirely silenced from blogging due to personal threats, mob outrage, incitement, and simply inhuman levels of anonymous cruelty that, prior to the internet, were the sole territory of deranged psychopaths.> "He espoused his opinion, and then a whole bunch of other people espoused theirs.

Cause it reads like something a deranged person would write to me... Making comments about how Google employees automatically bring police, "All of Google's employees should be prevented from getting to work", etc. Yeah they do bring police.. to deal with nutjobs that decide to randomly show up at their houses and stop them from working, stop a bus in the middle of the street and cause a disruption, etc.

Deranged definitions


driven insane

See also: crazed half-crazed