Demurrage in a sentence as a noun

The demurrage fees would be paid out equally to all consumers.

The demurrage encourages it's own use as a medium of exchange - use it or lose it.

The demurrage fee pay outs would be equivalent to a basic income.

Advancing demurrage as a solution is sheer madness.

The demurrage fee plays the same role as a job in the current economy by circulating currency from producers to consumers.

To those without access to the cheat-code of newly created money, USD basically is a demurrage currency through inflation.

Neither does a constant rate of 'inflation' via demurrage allow any kind of countercyclical policy.

A handful of anecdotes about hyperinflation do not amount to "plenty of historical data".Inflation has the important role of decreasing the value of debt, which is something demurrage does not provide.

Demurrage definitions


a charge required as compensation for the delay of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure


detention of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure