Demure in a sentence as an adjective

The BBC less so, and oddly, the FT's coverage tends to be very demure.

You temporarily lost me at the first line with "...prefer to demure on".

NPR is a little biased but the tone is really quite demure and it's fairly factual.

Men definitely would, as girls demure easily with boys in the room when it comes to tech.

It doesn't matter if she is aggressive or demure, brilliant or stupid.

If one has to be anonymous to discuss it, or lie or demure if asked point blank 'did you write this piece?

However, instead of the cops finding an old man cooking up meth, they'd find a very demure, focused man on a computer.

At one point, with HR present, the CTO said "I'm surprised you're this upset about things, I thought Asian women were more demure and subservient.

I note that the writer has fallen into the trap of a false cognate - or, at least, a near-homonym - by writing "demure" when he/she meant "demur".

With regards to the first question: I think it has something to do with the stereotype/expectation that women will be demure or unassertive.

Sheepishly demure and say "okay you're right, we're wrong" when someone says that functors are how C++ does them?Stop saying "we're right, you're wrong" when someone says functors are how C++ does them.

Suddenly everything about her shouts out that she is Japanese, from the soft lilting tone of her voice, to her delicate hand gestures and demure expression.

Japanese people, operating according to their culture's very stringent rules of etiquette, are so demure and polite at work and in public that it stresses them out.

The only thing that ever worked for me is a wig and a cocktail dress... suddenly I get all demure and coy .... the problem is I end up psychologically scarring anyone who makes the mistake of catching my eye!.....

That maintains or affects extreme propriety of speech and behaviour, especially in regard to the relations of the sexes; excessively modest, demure, or prim; prudish: usually applied adversely.

Sheepishly demure and say "okay you're right, we're wrong" when someone says that functors are how C++ does them?Really I couldn't care less about the terminology point as I don't believe it has ever caused any significant issues in terms of ambiguity.

As a male you're told by society that you're allowed to go out, break all the rules and take what you want whereas as a woman you're meant to be quiet, demure and "proper".Bringing up alternate social injustices is generally considered a tactic of diversion.

Maybe the author is thinking of salacca wallichiana, which is related but tastes very different?Describing a langsat as a "demure cousin" of the lychee is a totally meaningless way of saying that they belong to the same order of plants.

Demure definitions


affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way

See also: overmodest