Demonetise in a sentence as a verb

And in the process demonetise websites and claim it's all for the greater good.

Google will remove or demonetise videos that violate their terms of service.

Silver was demonetised in 20th century relative to gold, though it was used as a store of value.

This is hardly without precedent - the old 50P was demonetised as recently as 1998.

“Jaitley, being the finance minister, said, ‘We can demonetise 1,000-rupee notes but not 500-rupee notes.

"Oh, we didn't demonetise your video, we just give advertisers tools to choose what sort of content they want their ads to show alongside.

I don't think demonetisation is a huge issue on it's own, I tend to agree that it's in Google finical interest to demonetise certain content.

In addition to that the people that have been demonetised have ranged from progressives, anarcho-communists, people doing ben-shapiro compilation videos and edgy boys and girls that tend to shitpost.

" which "Allows video to be viewable on YouTube and tracks viewership, but does not serve ads against it."[1]An alternative might just be to add some content at the end of the video which is not advertiser-friendly, which would demonetise the video while not annoying the viewers too much.

Is it possible that the decision to demonetise or age-restrict was algorithmic, then she was too small-fry to get any interest/reconsideration from support?We've heard loads of stories of people getting AdSense accounts shut unfairly and without recourse, for example.

Demonetise definitions


deprive of value for payment; "demonetize a coin"

See also: demonetize