Demesne in a sentence as a noun

If that's their professional judgement, then to be fair it should apply to everything in their demesne, right?

Unicorn and Chimera, or the pursuit of virtue through sundry remarkable demesnes

However, that doesn't mean I or anyone else can walk into someone else's demesnes and start verbally abusing them without at least being told to leave, which is their right.

It shouldn't be surprising that people who don't value a migratory lifestyle are upset by being forced to abandon what they see as their little demesne.

These organizations do accomplish their stated goals to some and varying degrees of success, but never at any cost of imperiling their own demesne.

Some countries more than others it's true, but generally speaking there are better things to do than spend our time claiming our particular demesne in superior to all others.

Furthermore, the idea that corporation != literal person doesn't change the fact that the piece of paper is treated as a person in court.> In a feudal system, you owe tribute to your liege by virtue of the fact that they were born of a higher rank than you and you were born within their demesne.

Demesne definitions


extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use; "the family owned a large estate on Long Island"

See also: estate land acres


territory over which rule or control is exercised; "his domain extended into Europe"; "he made it the law of the land"

See also: domain land