Delineate in a sentence as a verb

A "load more" button with some kind of ---------next page--------- line to delineate the new content would be preferable.

The use of the symbols helps, for me at least, to delineate between value/variables and operators.

" How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavored to form?

A standardised structure is helpful when reading lots of code, and it helps delineate long source files, even if many of those comments turn out to be redundant.

Carefully and completely delineate how Americans are to understand their Fourth Amendment rights in light of these programs.

I actively use Facebook and I've literally never touched the selective buttons for what to share with who or what to delineate between friends.

Delineate in a sentence as an adjective

This is the exact opposite of what I want in C++.The use of characters to clearly delineate code sections and scope is a strong benefit of C++ over these other languages.

Another thing with the horse-riders yelling at some large fat cats is that they often pretend to speak for the masses; the non-hackers, -geeks, or whatever labels are necessary to delineate these two groups.

Title makes it sound like he's going to delineate the difference between "infographic" and "non-infographic", but it seems to run into the "real Christians" problem where anything he doesn't like "isn't an infographic".

I realize that structure wasn't in-place when Dropbox was first created, complicating the matter - but it seems like it would have provided the cleanest way to delineate what files and access would be revoked when a user is removed from a team.

> My issue is if you're unable to delineate between "it's" and "its" and it's the language you've been speaking natively for the past 25 years, I tend to doubt your ability to know what form of "const" to use in C++.Eh, how about asking me about const-correctness than inferring from my use of "it's" and "its"?

Delineate definitions


show the form or outline of; "The tree was clearly defined by the light"; "The camera could define the smallest object"

See also: define


determine the essential quality of

See also: specify define delimit delimitate


trace the shape of

See also: limn outline


make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"

See also: trace draw line describe


describe in vivid detail


represented accurately or precisely

See also: delineated represented