Delicately in a sentence as an adverb

Let me try to rephrase to tell you what I meant with that sentence, which I was attempting to phrase delicately.

So, you're saying that women need special treatment as the more delicately nurtured sex?

So, you're saying that women need special treatment as the more delicately nurtured sex?Uh, no, he's not saying that.

Thanks for posting it Joel!I've been trying to delicately balance the line between too many links versus not enough links.

To put it delicately, you'll find that Israelis and Swiss living in the US are not the ones committing the gun violence.

It must be handled delicately and gracefully, but that hopefully goes without saying.

The female body is a thing of beauty - it's delicately crafted, given form by years of grooming and attention.

They're delicately raised to have great self esteem, but often crumble in the face of adversity or criticism.

I don't know how to say this delicately, so I won't: I'm having trouble distinguishing this book from the disjointed ramblings of a mad man.

It had to have most of it's shielding replaced and be delicately positioned vertically before every launch.

How?Russias former privatization czar Anatoly Chubais put it less delicately: They steal and steal.

The next morning, the teacher cornered me in the hall and delicately asked if everything was OK. Bewildered by the time & tone of the question, I suddenly realized what Hamlet's soliloquy was about.

"So what you're leading us so delicately to believe is that the audience is perforce dumb and therefore being a good speaker is largely about being a good bullshitter.

Based on a TV episode of "How It's Made", I think the key idea was to develop machinery that could delicately stretch and extrude aluminum without tearing it.

A nurse carefully, delicately removed the dressing, then used a thin metal instrument to ever so carefully widen the cut and examine the tissue underneath.

> I have to object to The Guardian's use of scare quotes in the title...I don't think this is scare quotes, more like conservative British journalism that handles any story-relevant term delicately by emphasizing it's a quotation, and not their interpretation.

With anything controversial, there will be 50 different opinions about how the article should go, and the only way to reach a compromise is to discuss it and try to figure out how to best organize the material, split some material out to subsidiary articles, word controversial points delicately, etc.

Delicately definitions


in a delicate manner; "finely shaped features"; "her fine drawn body"

See also: finely fine exquisitely