Rhesus in a sentence as a noun

The NIA rhesus study results released a short while back seemed to be the first failure of replicating CR longevity results.

To investigate the debate, Dr. Harlow created inanimate surrogate mothers for the rhesus infants from wire and wood.

Thalidomide: effect upon pregnancy in the rhesus monkey.

Surely the cultural explanation doesn't extend to similar behavior found in grey seals, red deer, and rhesus macaques?

Cultural acquisition of a specific learned response among rhesus monkeys.

>In 1970, Robert White and his colleagues successfully transplanted the head of a rhesus monkey on the body of another one, whose head had simultaneously been removed.

Probably a bad idea - there's a lot more going on in those feedings than just the food:To investigate the debate, Dr. Harlow created inanimate surrogate mothers for the rhesus infants from wire and wood.

A study of rhesus monkeys begun in 1987 by the National Institute on Aging published results in August 2012 that found evidence of health benefits, but did not demonstrate increased median lifespan.

Rhesus definitions


of southern Asia; used in medical research