Deleterious in a sentence as an adjective

You're starting from the premise that the glass of wine has significant deleterious effects, and thus should readily be avoided if other goods can replace it. I'm not sure I personally agree with that premise.

Think of it this way: they graciously raise their own taxes to make up for the deleterious effect on society of remaining numerically illiterate.

It was hoped that the thought of thousands of these unrecovered weapons potentially in the hands of the citizens of occupied countries would have a deleterious effect on enemy morale.

People study the Price of Anarchy [1] to design algorithms to minimize the deleterious effects of decentralizing decision making to rational and selfish agents.

Limiting your understanding of the causations of things only to those things which have had interventionist studies performed on them will have a very deleterious effect on your life, with high probability.

I agree that the typical person can be a sheep, however:* the church callout is unnecessary, it can be a type of self-analysis* Alcohol is not toxic and in reasonable quantities does not have a purely deleterious effect.

Schneier's original point is "every cooperative system will always contain parasitic elements; while these elements can be deleterious to the correct functioning of the system, they are also a critically important source of diversity and change.

Deleterious definitions


harmful to living things; "deleterious chemical additives"

See also: hurtful injurious