Deformed in a sentence as an adjective

I saw a kid with polio deformed legs a few months ago.

The rear rubber band was slightly deformed for a couple of square inches.

The one you could drop images or videos on, **** pages and have them deformed and rendered in real time?

"How did this 70 year old woman decide today was the day she needed 20 slightly deformed acrylic cups?

Nitpicking on html is a fun and amusing pastime, but unless the page is deformed in some way, it falls into the "**** nobody cares about" category.

To begin with, this structure is still slightly deformed; however, as the cluster grows in size, this interior grows to become a nicely ordered ice crystal, while the outer layers remain amorphous.

The key point is TDD cargo-culting has encouraged codebases to become deformed beyond recognition in pursuit of unit isolation, which btw provides no guarantee that a system even works end to end.

Deformed definitions


so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly; "deformed thalidomide babies"; "his poor distorted limbs"; "an ill-shapen vase"; "a limp caused by a malformed foot"; "misshapen old fingers"

See also: distorted ill-shapen malformed misshapen