Deformation in a sentence as a noun

The waves start to pile up, preventing further plastic deformation.

We as parents hope that the deformation is a positive one, but this isn't necessarily so.

These tests should not be looking at point load required to induce deformation but rather the moment required to induce deformation.

A deep earthquake is unlikely to cause much deformation at the seafloor, and therefore doesn't generate as large of a tsunami.

2x2 Lego bricks individually fail by plastic deformation.

However, the shallower the rupture penetrates, the larger the deformation at the seafloor is, and therefore the larger the tsunami is.

If you look at the dynamics of gender representation in law and medicine, two professions where female representation has gone from 5-10% to 50% over the last 50 years, you can see it behaves like a beam in plastic deformation.

While calculating material strength in real time is probably not possible, nothing stops you from auto generating those deformation weights using a lot of simulation time while the game is in development.

Neat, but eigenfaces is really overplayed and outdated, there's lots of better face recognition algorithms that can handle a bit of distortion/deformation that really plagues principal component methods

Deformation definitions


a change for the worse

See also: distortion


alteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it


the act of twisting or deforming the shape of something (e.g., yourself)

See also: contortion