Defendant in a sentence as a noun

The new joinder rules make it much harder to sue multiple defendants in one suit.

All the defendant has is time to think about what prison would be like, how the course of their life is not in their hands.

What if this was a ****** case and the defendant had stored notes about his ****** on the computer?

Are they supposed to be lenient on any defendant whose lawyers say their client is suicidal?

I expect that any criminal defendant, including Aaron, would read her initial statement as "they're going to put me in prison for 35 years".

He's already making arrangements to expunge the records of every affected defendant.

Isn't it obvious the end result would be every defendant claiming this?If anything, this shifts some blame to his lawyers for not taking his threat seriously enough.

But 7 years is an equally ludicrous number for the actual offenses charged, which were non-remunerative, non-destructive, and applied to a first-time defendant.

"I'd point to this portion of the article: "Nullification has been credited with helping to end alcohol prohibition and laws that criminalized gay sex. Last year, Montana prosecutors were forced to offer a defendant in a ********* case a favorable plea bargain after so many potential jurors said they would nullify that the judge didnt think he could find enough jurors to hear the case.

It's no wonder that trials by jury are becoming so vanishingly rare that even the Supreme Court has written that "in todays criminal justice system, the negotiation of a plea bargain, rather than the unfolding of a trial, is almost always the critical point for a defendant.

Not only do they freeze assets, and add on ridiculous charges like 15 counts of wire fraud because the document in question contained 15 pages, they also use effective PR campaigns - bringing out the defendant in handcuffs, staging press conferences where they go into detail on the alleged crime before the trial has even begun in order to ***** the jury pool.

" It's again important to note that this is a child pornography case: possession of child pornography is a crime, so if the would-be defendant here provided a decryption key, this would be tantamount to him admitting that he possessed the hard drive and had access to the files within itthat alone would constitute a crime if the files were found to be child pornography.

More's the pity that most people can't really achieve big results like this; we have to retain ownership of our businesses in order to really live out our principles.-A commenter on Ars, on why no one else fought Soverain to the end:I think the problem from most defendants' perspective is that they can just pass the costs along to their customers without facing any strategic disadvantage.

Defendant definitions


a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused

See also: suspect