Decrypt in a sentence as a verb

How much are you willing to bet they can't decrypt https?

His data would be safe from decryption then, right?Sort of.

Since you have encrypted data there's a pretty good chance you have the software to decrypt it.

Your code obviously has easy access to the keys used to encrypt and decrypt the data.

To solve this problem, I wrote git-crypt[1], which uses git's smudge/clean filters to transparently encrypt/decrypt files when you check them in/out.

If someone steals your private key, that does not entitle him to decrypt and read the message whose sole intended recipient is you.

" It allows browsers to use "decryption modules" that already exist elsewhere, like in the OS platform.

The server puts a message in the queue telling the gerbil how to customize the book along with the URL for the master and the key to decrypt it.

Then at the highest level, the tally can be decrypted to find out that Alice won the vote, without disclosing exactly who voted for her.

"Fully homomorphic" means "a computation can be done on two encrypted values without decrypting them.

As if we won't engage in rampant irresponsible speculation that they have told him to decrypt and forward everything to them in real time.

This is still a disaster, but it does not allow you to retroactively unwind previous DH exchanges and decrypt earlier captured sessions.

It's as if to say that without the ability to decrypt interesting traffic, the NSA would be forced to take stronger measures to curtail internet traffic.

What's truly frightening is this line from the Guardian's article on the topic:> The NSA describes strong decryption programs as the "price of admission for the US to maintain unrestricted access to and use of cyberspace".What does that even mean?

" It's again important to note that this is a child pornography case: possession of child pornography is a crime, so if the would-be defendant here provided a decryption key, this would be tantamount to him admitting that he possessed the hard drive and had access to the files within itthat alone would constitute a crime if the files were found to be child pornography.

Decrypt definitions


convert code into ordinary language

See also: decode decipher