Decoy in a sentence as a noun

Let them snoop the decoy all they want and then load up your hidden evil android install when you pass through

How do you craft a message so that everyone is led to the decoy except those who know the secret key?

"You'd think that running a decoy thread on another core would mask things pretty effectively.

It's possible to drop decoy transmitters/relays, which are easy enough to knock up and are cheap.

If so, then the virus could be sending a decoy image whenever it detects someone's trying to dump the firmware.

Could this decoy be used in the mating ritual to attract females rather than something to do with predators?

"The spider doesn't "know" it's intentionally making decoy spiders.

Decoy in a sentence as a verb

Re-read the article and pay attention to the economist & decoy pricing example.

Read the letter, but make no mistake - the "kind" tone, especially when reminding how they did they best to get in touch, have meetings, help insuring compliance etc. is just a decoy.

Also with females being larger and usually killing the smaller male spiders, having a decoy to distract the female might allow the spider to stay alive longer and mate with more female spiders.

Not only do attackers forgo scanning for the true SSH port, but they believe they've successfully intruded into the system and leave keystroke-by-keystroke logs of their actions in the decoy shell.

If I were him I'd be selling them directly to buyers in an underserved country using a decoy clearnet fixed-rate exchange, or I'd also be running my own small exchange and dumping coins in it, using fake ID scans and paying for traffic to simulate customer records.

So you're advocating releasing a "decoy" patch that's intentionally obtuse and doesn't actually fix the issue?And then downplaying the severity by not encouraging developers to take the follow-up patch seriously?That's a flat out terrible idea.

Whether to test the waters of consumer reception, or to decoy me-too competitors into doing something foolish, it's too good an idea to pass up, and I think it's reasonable to suspect Apple of having done both in the past -- see, for example, the persistent rumors around the "Apple Phone" which cropped up a couple of years before the iPhone did, and the similar rumors around the "iWatch", which, being the bad idea it is, seems less likely to materialize with every passing day, but which has certainly convinced Samsung et al that it's worth investing in that bad idea just in case Apple knows something they don't.

Decoy definitions


a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)

See also: steerer


something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed

See also: bait lure


lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy