Decompress in a sentence as a verb

If you want to get fancy, teach LaTeX how to decompress packages on demand.

Take a little time for yourself and decompress before jumping back in with a clear head.

Finally, we wrote a tiny routine to decompress the icon, scale it up and display it on the screen.

I'd be perfectly safe because I know that it would just decompress and stop fissioning, but the land prices would be amazing.

The trick is in knowing how to optimize those hours of productivity, and when to go home and give your brain time to decompress.

In my first deployment, this was the routine every other day for three weeks before we were pulled from the area to decompress.

It is unfortunate that you can't decompress for a month or two in Florence, or a similarly beautiful place.

Overall, the pedestrian commute energizes me in the morning, and helps me quickly recover and decompress at the end of the day.

You don't really care about what's going on under the hood when your users decompress some data you served to them, as long as everything works properly, right?

It's interesting how we can have opposite reactions to the same situation; working in previous jobs I hated, getting home at night left me feeling drained of energy and needing to "decompress".

“The quiet infants were silent not because they were future introverts—just the opposite—but because they had nervous systems that were unmoved by novelty.” These “high-reactive” babies grow up to be children who need a lot of time to decompress after school, need time alone to be creative and explore.

Decompress definitions


restore to its uncompressed form; "decompress data"

See also: uncompress


decrease the pressure of; "depressurize the cabin in the air plane"

See also: depressurize depressurise


become less tense, rest, or take one's ease; "He relaxed in the hot tub"; "Let's all relax after a hard day's work"

See also: relax unbend unwind