Decipherable in a sentence as an adjective

In that vein, some of those are decipherable, even though they're gibberish in Chinese.

While that statement is technically decipherable, it's far from clear.

As a result, once you are logged into Windows using your account this data is decipherable by Chrome.

"pick on" or "pass for" aren't easily decipherable based purely on their components.

This tool... not amazing, but definitely quicker than paper to crank out a decipherable sketch.

When it stumbles over imperfect code, the error messages become a lot more decipherable.

The true challenge is therefore making software that can be written by the semi clueless and yet still be decipherable enough to maintain.

Even the world's worst speller, confronted with an uncommon English word, could make a guess at the spelling that's probably decipherable.

The narrator is trying to sound almost carnivalesque but the result is a slurred monotone of barely decipherable words.

At least on Windows, Chrome uses a provided API function which makes the encrypted data only decipherable by the Windows user account used to encrypt the password.

That nickname, which helps the story from devolving into a mess of pronouns, is only decipherable to people at the school...and probably not even that, since there's likely to be more than one "Sara" there.

Readable to you after years of study of the CS principles and languages behind Haskell, but literally unreadable and undecipherable to the majority of current programmers.

Become a saint to nerds after taking on a company that wont let you do what you want with products you've paid for...ends up at a company that in no human decipherable terms owns your social identity....Who woulda thunkedit: I think it's worth mentioning, I'm not decrying either he or facebook for their acquisition of talent, it's just an unexpected maneuver.

My favourite quote from the book:What if Amerika [the novel by kafka] was only written for 32 bit PowerPC?I sometimes wonder the same sort of thing, when crafting software for iOS or other platforms doomed to obsolecence by the exigencies of capitalism - all that is solid melts into air, and while much of the data or content we produce will probably last centuries and remain decipherable, I'm not so sure about the code.

Decipherable definitions


easily deciphered

See also: clear readable