Deadpan in a sentence as an adjective

I'm trying to style the tag with CSS3 `sarcasm: loads`, but it's not working in IE7?

The deadpan Chomsky cameo really makes this one for me.

He looked completely at ease, and has a great deadpan delivery when he tells a small joke.

It's not so much that you're too deadpan, it's just that it's Poe's Law for anything Marx related around here.

It's a thing around here: There is no deadpan option available on Hacker News.

One person put down the card, "Battlefield amputation"I read it, deadpan.

Deadpan in a sentence as an adverb

My reference pronunciation has always been like the word "watt", deadpan, with a blank face while staring into space.

\n\nThat being said, I've been using Dropbox since Drew dropped that hilariously amazing deadpan intro to the product and I been loving it every since.

You could deliver this entire talk in a deadpan manner, reading out all the "dirty words" as if they're perfectly normal, and all the dirtyness is in the minds of the audience.

* Deliver the talk deadpan, but become increasingly upset at the audience's inevitable laughter at the bad words.

"blind Apple - cult thinking"He treats us to this deadpan irony:"its a good opportunity to try a read-later method such as Safaris Reading List, which Apple invented completely on their own."That clearly puts the lie to your assessment.

Not every product is a smash hit, not every decision the right one - your ability to own up to these and fix these are infinitely more important to me as a customer than your ability to look me in the eye and call the sky purple with a perfect deadpan.

Deadpan definitions


deliberately impassive in manner; "deadpan humor"; "his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read"

See also: expressionless impassive poker-faced unexpressive


without betraying any feeling; "she told the joke deadpan"