Dangling in a sentence as a noun

The town was blanketed in the stuff, cars caked in frost, trees dangling ice.

A dangling commit is a commit that nothing else points to.

Buffer overflows, dangling pointers, out of bounds reads.

Don't bother dangling equity, just pay their rate like you would an attorney - retainer + hourly.

For some, there is not only one, but several Damoclean swords dangling over developers.

Or did I miss some new research which shows that we are all indeed unixes creatures with minor differences in dangling parts?

Not to mention the system keeps trying to move the dangling carrot of retirement further and further away from their grasp by attempting to increase retirement age.

The fact that C++ doesn't do it is the source of many of its memory safety problems, such as dangling references and iterator invalidation.

Rust combines the best features of C and functional programming and through a very clever pointer system manages to eliminate race conditions, null pointers and dangling pointers at compile time.

For example, Rust prevents dangling and null pointers and disallows access to uninitialized memory while retaining manual memory management, as well as allowing garbage collection as a library-provided feature and not a core language feature.

"It will be the equivalent of dangling a steel string the width of a human hair in the deep end of a swimming pool and inserting it into a thimble 1/10 mm wide on the bottom, and then drilling a few meters into the foundations"Wow, that quote really put it all into perspective for me.

Or, that you've never tired of having to write a class that's essentially a wrapper around a List/Map because the interface is not convenient or fluent?I'm not suggesting we get a mob together and overthrow the tyrannical imperative government, leaving corpses dangling from the gallows as a warning to the next person who wants to mutate an input parameter.

Dangling definitions


the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely); "there was a small ceremony for the hanging of the portrait"

See also: suspension hanging