Damper in a sentence as a noun

The prime example is the ban on Renault's tuned mass damper from the 2005 time frame.

The first I had heard of a tuned mass damper was in the installation on Taipei 101.

Its also worth noting that after college a 5pm bedtime is going to put a serious damper on your sex life.

There is a deliberate delay on replies in deeply-nested threads, as a damper on flame wars.

The problem seems to be that news being biased and overwhelmingly negative puts a damper on your mood.

It was a mass damper inside the nosecone, which meant that the moving masses were never exposed to the air outside the car.

But I definitely have a problem when they're like, "Okay, first we're gonna do 500m on the rowing machine with the damper set to 10.

" I attribute it to being depressed at the lack of response to the 'Take Action' stuff yesterday which has put a huge damper on my mood today.

Like the statement on the first page that engineers would be able to fix a stuck damper or leaky valve with "a few clicks" - how's that gonna happen, exactly?

It's impolite to admit, but I can't help but think it's a damper om ambition, and with no ambition, there can be no Silicon Valley scale startups.

The 'write your tests first' school is right in that it can create another boost but it comes with the problem that it puts a damper on any exploratory programming.

It puts a damper on the idiotic and unethical behaviors that companies will pursue if they can get away with it.

Sarbanes-Oxley puts a big damper on production deployments at big companies.

Definitely avoid charging for CM - that will put a total damper on community enthusiasm.

The disappearance of antibiotics would put a serious damper on the current trends of globalisation.

For a business at high risk of failure and no budget in the early idea stages it was so useful to be able to stitch together a team and workflow really quickly using google apps to see how things pan out. This puts a real damper on kicking off new collaborative ideas

Damper definitions


a movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace


a device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations

See also: muffler


a depressing restraint; "rain put a damper on our picnic plans"