Custom-made in a sentence as a noun

If you're at the level where the linked solution works, you're at a level where nearly anything custom-made will work.

I'm not sure if custom-made fonts would be included in those terms, but I know these companies aren't dead set against there being no external usage.

The paper argues that botnets will drive out honest mining, but at this point they can't can't because custom-made hardware is so much faster at mining than general PCs.

Custom-made in a sentence as an adjective

Suppose that 5 of the best blacksmiths leave the blacksmith cooperative and start producing custom-made nails for less than the old blacksmith coop, which by the way is now missing their best people.

> The event's venue, a luxury hotel in Big Sur, California, will include a custom-made fairyland-like setting with fake ruins, bridges, ponds, and a gated cottageSad to see that SV billionaires suffer from the same kitsch-mania as do the Russian oil oligarchs.

For example, I bought custom-made shirts from Youtailor a year ago; they never emailed me since last year to inform me of new fabrics or new products, or simply to remind me that the delivery time is 5 weeks and that if I want a shirt for a given time in the year I'd better order 5 weeks in advance.

Custom-made definitions


an item made to the customer's specifications

See also: custom-built


made according to the specifications of an individual

See also: custom