Custom-built in a sentence as a noun

It could perhaps work as an onramp to get an app out there before switching to something custom-built as traffic builds.

My server does page generation for my own custom-built blog in ~15ms, but takes a whopping three seconds for a single Wordpress page.

My custom-built desktop is fine for gaming, but if I'm dropping $5k for a professional machine, I want some guarantees.

Custom-built in a sentence as an adjective

What are the advantages of using - in my mind - inferior technology like jQuery Mobile in an app that's completely custom-built anyway?

None of these changes required modifications to my DB, none required me to write assembly, none required me to switch to custom-built hardware, and each helped reduce the expenses for my bootstrapped startup, while improving the overall experience for my customers.

Custom-built definitions


an item made to the customer's specifications

See also: custom-made


built for a particular individual

See also: made-to-order