Curium in a sentence as a noun

This is highly unusual, as the per curium designation is usually reserved for obvious and unimportant cases.

Oganesson was named after a physicist called Oganessian, it’s no different from curium or seaborgium or einsteinium.

Thermal reactors can tolerate maybe one go around of the fuel, but you then end up with more transuranics like curium that have higher thermal output, which limits how tightly they can be packed in an underground repository.

An old TRS-80 assembly programming book I had suggested that an early conference of computer experts suggested that the last six digits be named actinium, barium, curium, dysprosium, erbium, and fermium until "cooler heads prevailed".

"Micro-batteries Nuclear engineers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison have explored the possibilities of producing minuscule batteries which exploit radioactive nuclei of substances such as polonium or curium to produce electric energy.

Curium definitions


a radioactive transuranic metallic element; produced by bombarding plutonium with helium nuclei