Curdle in a sentence as a verb

You warm the milk, add rennet, let it curdle, strain it off.

* Nut and soy milks curdle in acidic coffee and tea.

It makes a thicker consistency because the proteins are denatured and curdle better.

No, they need expiration dates more than milk, because at least the dairy farmer isn't coming into my house to curdle my milk in the middle of the night.

There's something about the acidity of coffee and tea that makes most veggie milks curdle; the result tastes something like cardboard.

Especially in a warm environment the lactobacili in the milk itself and in the air will do their job and you'll have curdled milk in the morning.

I guess the inverse is: heaven forbid people like something without letting their passion curdle into possessive competition with other people who try to like it?

Later in life this would curdle into juvenile braggadocio and poisonous attitudes towards women, with him making degrading remarks about those he met, and which persisted throughout his life.

Or are you hearing repeated stories that curdle outrage?When I was in high school I wrote an essay about how ridiculous it was that I could be insulted for daring to hold a door for a woman when I hold doors for everyone!

Lactobacili that curdle the milk naturally actually release lactic acid: fermentation is the same kind of anaerobic respiration that happens in our muscles when they're not getting enough energy from oxygen alone.

Curdle definitions


turn into curds; "curdled milk"

See also: clabber clot


go bad or sour; "The milk curdled"


turn from a liquid to a solid mass; "his blood curdled"