Consistency in a sentence as a noun

There are some real 'gems' in there, consistency - even if self enforced - has a price.

Subsequent connections check for consistency with the first connection.

I really don't understand what the Republican party actually stands for. There's no consistency in their platform.

Extruders of all types with varying levels of material feed, feedback, and consistency.

And once they changed it to "Camera" in the App Store it only made sense to change the name to "Camera" on the device, to maintain consistency in the naming.

" because there is now an intuitive\n consistency to the language.\n \n * SQL compatibility is very, very difficult.

But people who ignore data validity are eventually bitten by consistency problems.

Some of it is really only complaining about how PHP isn't Python, but there are a lot of fantastic points about language design and how PHP sacrifices consistency for... really no reason at all.

Plenty of environments have safe/efficient zero-copy chained byte buffer implementations/libraries.> loads of internal consistency checksLibrary correctness isn't a unique feature.> patterns like pub/sub and request/reply, batchingAh-ha!

The level of consistency in the very many reports and sources is too much to be attributable and dismissed as any individual being emotional... of course they are emotional; some of their friends, family and fellow citizens are dead, others are in hospital or jail.

Consistency definitions


the property of holding together and retaining its shape; "wool has more body than rayon"; "when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake"

See also: consistence eubstance body


a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts

See also: consistence


logical coherence and accordance with the facts; "a rambling argument that lacked any consistency"


(logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another