Crystalise in a sentence as a verb

Shame about the cat but it will crystalise the cat total cost of ownership.

I, probably like many you coach, have that problem of not being able to crystalise exactly what it is that I want.

Other ways to determine the way they are folded is to isolate the enzyme and to crystalise it and scatter Xrays through it.

He helped to crystalise my understanding of why high-dimensional spheres should be thought of as "spikey," rather than "round.

You need to maintain a consistent temperature -- not too high because it will continue cooking, not too low because it will crystalise.

Not all at once, mind, because if most, or at least some, or maybe one or two are still getting released like before, there'll be confusion about what's actually going on and violent resistance won't crystalise.

Crystalise definitions


make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault"


cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form; "crystallize minerals"

See also: crystallize crystallise crystalize


assume crystalline form; become crystallized

See also: crystallize crystalize effloresce


cause to take on a definite and clear shape; "He tried to crystallize his thoughts"

See also: crystallize crystallise crystalize