Crawdad in a sentence as a noun

You can't yell Far in a crawdad theater.

> You can't yell Far in a crawdad theater. That saying was created by the Supreme Court back in 1919 as a way to convict a man protesting the draft.

Yet there were normal words like crawdads, clemency, egregious. The only kinda slang one was snitty.

But they went home and either helped their dad on the farm, helped their mum do the housework, got a part time job, or read books and hunted crawdads. Now, many people would consider it abuse, forcing a child of 14 to help out at work.

Com/schollz/crawdad. Its a redis-backed distributed scraper that's easy to continue after interruptions.

Now imagine a crow coming upon a little 1x1 dugout crawdad battle arena, or a little lattice-structure of sticks that encloses a caddisfly larva collection of a 9 year old. If you saw a crow observe and then build that you'd have quite a research paper on your hands.

Crawdad definitions


tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly

See also: crayfish crawfish ecrevisse


small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster

See also: crayfish crawfish crawdaddy