Larva in a sentence as a noun

The "adult" form grows inside of the "larval" form.

The larva has to burrow into the bloodstream to begin with.

Most animals are insects, and most insect larva get eaten.

More like you can distribute a 10,000 of them to clean up oil spill, toxic waste, **** mosquito larva, etc.

The most effect thing is physical removal of the insects, their eggs, and their larva.

When the egg hatches, the confused larva does not develop into an adult in the humans intestines.

"The sea squirt larvae begin absorbing all the tadpole-like parts that made them chordates.

Of course, most of those larva are eaten before they make it to maturity, just like many other sea creatures..

Where the sea squirt larva once had gills, it develops the intake and exist siphons that will help it bring water and food into its body.

You don't have a moth guy?But in all seriousness, I'm not sure how long it would take, but a quick amazon search showed you could get moth larva as bait.

I was just reading about these drone dispersed little paper balls filled with parasitic wasp larva used to control corn borer.

APM can be spammed or increased a lot by, for example, selecting all the larva in all your hatcheries and making units pressing one key.

Whether it's a fish brain or frog larva brain or something more, though, my point is that it's not yet intrinsically worth protecting as human life.

He didn't realize that they also eat locust larva and other pests, which exploded in population without sparrows.

The Cry protein works by aggregating into crystals in the lepidopteran larval digestive tract which then pierce the lining of the midgut, killing the larva.

The article does say that Coke doesn't actually **** insects:[Agricultural specialist Devendra Sharma says] the drinks are effectively sugar syrups and when they are poured on crops they attract ants which in turn feed on the larva of insects.

Each new technology trampled lesser ones, climbed to some complacent asymptote, and stopped—until my own mother packed herself away like a larva in honeycomb, softened by machinery, robbed of incentive by her own contentment.

It doesn't affect any other animals, including us, because the crystallisation requires strong alkalinity and the presence of certain bacteria that are unique to the lepidopteran larval midgut.

It's no longer a secret that insects could provide a rich and abundant source or protein, the biggest problem I've seen this far is how to farm them, in other words what is the sustainable input into these farms?As the other commenter pointed out, black soldier flies are a wonderful output, but from my research I've seen that they need meat for to grow and their larva to hatch.

Larva definitions


the immature free-living form of most invertebrates and amphibians and fish which at hatching from the egg is fundamentally unlike its parent and must metamorphose