Craw in a sentence as a noun

It's that "preferred" that stuck in my craw. All this data says is exactly what the last line of your last post does.

So this might be just the story that will stick in people's craw about what patent reform could mean to them.

The only problem with that is that there is a pretty good chance this limb will craw away afterwards.

What is it, exactly, that's getting in your craw? It's a trivial little story.

Where it sticks in the craw, where it stops making sense, is where you have this beautiful construct and it's purpose is left a mystery. If it's a piece of art, fine.

As compelling as this blog post is, this statement really stuck in my craw. NYT, nor any other news group, is beholden to your ideal article.

It was meant to be a toy but something about the problem is sticking in my craw as something more serious.

I've been trying to figure out why this piece sticks in my craw. I am, for all intents and purposes, Developer Guy. I'm analytical.

Not sure why this is my craw... but everytime I see andreessen mentioned I always end up thinking of the crazy "Snowden is a traitor" bit.

Technical and writer's issues aside, it's the "things that matter" that's been sticking in my craw. I was so excited for it to be a browsable collection of thoughtful essays from around the world.

Let me first state that I'm in basically total agreement with OP and mostly agree with parent, but one point sticks in my craw: >> The point is that this is my decision. >Granting the creator such rights takes them away from everyone else.

All I can say is it sticks in my craw when things like the Lik-Sang debacle happen in Europe, but at the same time we see industry disappearing abroad. At the moment the big interests seem to be having their cake and eating it too.

I post some properties on craigslist from time to time, and I get tons of spam and scammers, but one that really sticks in my craw is airbnb. com I have emailed them more than a few times asking them to cut it out, and that soliciting clients who post properties on craigslist is not the best way to do things.

I find myself having to run with ulimit -v #### in a term on linux if I think I might start eating memory because I'm sick of having to craw under my desk to power cycle.

What sticks in my craw is Falkvinge's continually disingenuous use of the word "monopoly." Owning and asserting a copyright does not make you a monopolist any more than owning a beach house on the Oregon coast makes you one.

For a long time, the whole 'Github profile' stuck in my craw, but recently my thinking has changed to more of a 'show us your code portfolio', which isn't much different than a lot of creative job interviews. When hiring a designer, part of the interview process is showing things that you have done.

Heading into work the other day, I heard a Congresswoman on the radio using a common argument that always sticks in my crawor it would if I knew what a craw was. Heres the gist: The federal budget is just like a family budget, and we in government must tight our belts and live within our means just like families do.

That apparently stuck in his craw, so to speak, because there were plenty of other very hateful tweets going on during this election that had nothing to do with racism, yet they are excluded from a post discussing "hate tweets."

One thing sticks in my craw that Sam mentioned as common with these young founder startups: "Learning just a little bit of management skill, which first time CEO's are terrible at goes a long way" Sam goes on to discuss how **** management is kind of par for the course in young startups. It seems to me like getting this part wrong would be the death knell for any company and Sam went on to mention an example of someone who had multiple turnovers/"massive team churn."

Craw definitions


a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food

See also: crop