Cowherd in a sentence as a noun

There all we got was raw milk from the cowherd; in fact, even today, my parents send the helper to get milk in a pail from the cowherd. It's always been raw milk, warm and fresh from the udder.

Then also the species variations of shepherd: goatherd, swineherd and cowherd. Edit: Most herdsmen in the UK had their own number system - 123: yan, tan, teddera etc.

How many potential African engineers grew up to be illiterate cowherds because of a lack of education? Also, why is Elon regarded as genius inventor, when it's clearly the people who work for him how are the geniuses.

Cowherd definitions


a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback

See also: cowboy cowpuncher puncher cowman cattleman cowpoke cowhand