Courtship in a sentence as a noun

If you blurt out a good approximation in the first thirty seconds, that ruins the whole courtship.

[ed: that is, they no longer had to suffer the indignity of beta provider courtship.

Online dating behavior isn't so different from offline courtship, where men tend to be the pursuers.

Comparing recruiting to courtship is not a bad analogy.

We're both speculating a bit; neither of us knows what the contract said or how the conversation went during the courtship process.

Having been on both sides of the Fortune 100 sales cycle, it was always a fun game, as a buyer, to see how close we could get to being written off during the courtship process.

" Human communication is subtle, and such implications are how consensual "courtship" happen.

You're selling short the unique complexities of both heterosexual and homosexual courtship.

The idea of his courtship of his wife fascinates me: Forgive me, but I imagine that even while making love, he must be fretting about the loss of valuable sushi-making time.

Courtship definitions


a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage); "its was a brief and intense courtship"

See also: wooing courting suit