Courtesy in a sentence as a noun

As a courtesy they offered to hire you / throw a lot of money at you. What would you have had them do instead?

I guess like you said: common courtesy, don't waste my time or yours. Why send an email if its' not worthy of a response?

> We pledge to treat you with courtesy, dignity, and respect. > We pledge to explain the CBP process to you.

Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you.

If you're going to suggest that someone changes the way they do business, at least have the courtesy to find out why they do things that way. If you're not trying to solve a real problem, then you're a stylist, not a designer.

Long time HN member, but as a courtesy to some of my clients, this needs to be on a throwaway account. Free retail brokerage is something that needs to happen, and I applaud the effort.

So I expect you to extend some professional courtesy, change the logo and close this matter in an amicable matter.

Old woman dying of cancer didn't have the common courtesy to at least scribble down something more interesting for you to browse for 5 minutes on the internet later. What a shame.

These people would never extend me the same courtesy if I asked them to remove their Christian jewellery. I'd be laughed off if I phoned the front desk of a hotel freaking out that someone put a Gideon bible in my drawer.

It's not like he's suing you for $125K per copy, he's just upset that you didn't have the common courtesy to ask. The fact that people usually are not upset and that people don't care does not change a thing with respect to what's right or not and asking is the normal thing to do.

> You could always have the courtesy to acknowledge the bug or PR Ive submitted. The thing is, you're actually implying more than you're saying. What you really mean is, "You could always have the courtesy to acknowledge the bug or PR Ive submitted as soon as I submit it."

Though I took the courtesy of emailing the site's contact address and asking them what the actual **** they thought they were doing. Apparently Pearson Education have the educational market so fully sewn up they can get away with this kind of ********.

By courtesy I won't list who they are but everybody can spot it pretty easily. I'm very disappointed by this attitude personally, and it doesn't speak highly of a place that is supposed to be almost a pure meritocracy.

It is simply a common part of netiquette which developed as a courtesy." Hey, there is some stuff in this link such as nudity, questionable content, etc which may be an issue for you if you are at work, sitting in public or somewhere else potentially sensitive.

All they had to say was, "Our representative was enforcing our policy, but unfortunately did so in a way that we didn't intend, and without the respect and courtesy we expect. It can be easy for someone who spends their day dealing with scammers to see wrongdoing where there is none, and we're sorry that happened here.

I believe in civility and courtesy in many areas, and Linus doesn't phrase things exactly as I would. But then, I don't have his responsibility or experiences, either - and while people can disagree about whether he expresses his thoughts in a polite manner, he certainly does so in a clear one.

Japan's very low number of public trash cans isn't just because of this "tradition and culture of courtesy and bringing trash home". It is also a direct result of a Sarin gas terrorism attack that hit the Tokyo subway system in 1995, whereupon some of the weaponry was deposited in a public trash can.

I think his point was that he acted in good faith -- with the expectation that Google would reciprocate -- and was essentially let down without courtesy. Even a simple "sorry, we're unable to interview you, our apologies for asking you to get an extension" would have gone a long way, even if just for the word-of-mouth reputation.

Here, one wee little hack for you: next time you get asked for salary history, just repeat verbatim "As a matter of professional courtesy, I'm going to respectfully decline to answer any questions about specific policies of my previous employers. Someday, someone is going to ask me about yours.

My email and encrypted password in the adobe breach, my user id and part of my mobile number via SnapChat, and now hackers potentially have scans of my passport courtesy of Mt. Gox. I'm probably forgetting about some leaks, and who knows how many security breaches were never discovered. The internet is not a safe place.

Apple at least has the courtesy of allowing you to **** an app very quickly - if someone knows how to do it in Win8 I'd love to know, because clearly their own first-party apps are not good enough to be trusted to take care of themselves.

Given that a lot of the work presented here was not "preliminary work that was adapted", but actually entirely made by him and copy and pasted by you, I think you could at least do him the courtesy of linking his site[1] and his work somewhere in the first sentence instead of a side note in the closing statement. Adapting his work in my opinion is not copy and pasting his work and adding a line or two in the middle.

Courtesy definitions


a courteous or respectful or considerate act


a courteous or respectful or considerate remark


a courteous manner