Cosmopolitan in a sentence as a noun

I desperately want to live in a cosmopolitan urban center that is practical, something I have yet to find here.

And in this cyber-cosmopolitan age it becomes important to understand where the most efficient contributions to growth are going to take place.

That probably covers almost the entire cosmopolitan US population nowadays.

Cosmopolitan in a sentence as an adjective

The point is the cultural dynamic of "cosmopolitan centre" against "sleepy provincial town" exists despite multiplying the populations by 10; it's more about where the "centre of culture" is I imagine.

"I like people in Wisconsin, can't really relate to people in Chengdu"I was raised multiculturally and have grown more cosmopolitan since leaving home, so I understand my reaction is a marginal one, but this emotion scared me. I am familiar with your comments on HN and so know you are an incredibly intelligent human being.

Is there a level of public outcry regarding the pollution?I realize that criticism may be somewhat muted given the nature of the PRC government, but I can't imagine a city as large and cosmopolitan as Shanghai merely accepting this level of environmental mismanagement.

Cosmopolitan definitions


a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries

See also: cosmopolite


growing or occurring in many parts of the world; "a cosmopolitan herb"; "cosmopolitan in distribution"


composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests; "his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds"- T.B. Macaulay; "the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt"; "that queer, cosmopolitan, rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks"


of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley; "universal experience"

See also: ecumenical oecumenical general universal worldwide world-wide