Corruptive in a sentence as an adjective

Nice folks but culture of explicit silence is corruptive.

" The power to add features must be so overwhelmingly corruptive.

Neither IMF nor EU did anything to cover our corruptive politicians.

> What exactly is corruptive information?Mostly porn and torture?

There are Dems as bad as this guy, but Congressman Smith seems far more effective in his corruptive capacity than any other congressman on the hill.

I think young humans are not developed enough to understand that the media's high praise of corruptive behavior is not healthy.

Lobbying, especially its American variation, is well known for its corruptive quality.

It is this additional structure that much more often gets corrupted by the natural human corruptive forces, just like governments, corporations or large open source frameworks do.

>> corruptive infos\n> What exactly is corruptive information?I'd image 'grooming' a kid would match the criteria of corrupting a kid's personality.

The corruptive power of accusing those with whom you disagree about public policy of being intellectually dishonest should not be underestimated.

An important implication is that the association between driving a high‐status car and unethical driving behaviour may not, as is commonly argued, be due to the corruptive effects of wealth.

[--] An important implication is that the association between driving a high-status car and unethical driving behaviour may not, as is commonly argued, be due to the corruptive effects of wealth.

Is it healthy to use the tapes to intervene in her conflicts?If not, then what exactly justified reading texts/facebook messages/emails between friends?>corruptive infosWhat exactly is corruptive information?

The corruptive power of intelligent yet intellectually dishonest argument should not be underestimated.

If someone came up to criticize it, obviously they were a criminal, and the benevolent Tito, in his love and mercy, would have them locked away so as to prevent them from further damaging glorious Yugoslavian society and harming the people with their corruptive influence, and rehabilitate them into a better person.

The glue that holds it all together is so tied to so many handles for bias both at the hands of the proxy observers as well as within the very bonding agents in the mind of the aggregator that the whole enterprise is rife with corruptive feedback potential that the anomalies that can be conclusively nailed as bona fide mistakes tend to be, for the most part, minimally useful for bias detection that tells you something you didn't already have a rather high certainty of.

Corruptive definitions


tending to corrupt or pervert

See also: perversive pestiferous