Corrupted in a sentence as an adjective

This left the package manager in a corrupted state.

The server got wedged, and when we rebooted, the file system was corrupted.

Yes, now my VirtualBox image is corrupted and won't boot anymore.

Organized crime does not require secrecy to operate when the police are corrupted.

If you run this configuration as a single server your data could be silently corrupted.

As countries become more corrupted, their "legal" system becomes less about the law and justice, and more an arm of the state to impose its will.

Wait, endosquid writes tax software and expects that whenever a bit of data gets corrupted it should display an account balance of 0?

That structure did not envision digital technology as embodied in software and has in the past 20 years become corrupted.

Civil rights are not going to be won by fighting head-on on those legalistic grounds, that field has been corrupted and is under complete control of the autocrats.

A clever idea, however his data source is irrevocably corrupted by the auto exposure and auto white balance of his webcam.

The endowment of schools and colleges have, in this manner, not only corrupted the diligence of public teachers, but have rendered it almost impossible to have any good private ones.

If I have a finite amount of time available for hacking, why do I want to spend a not-insignificant amount of it signaling?Hacker culture has been corrupted by this 'need' for influence.

"I think we had to hard-reset the system, and it came back with an inconsistent file system which he had to repair by hand with ncheck and icheck, because this was before the days of fsck and that's what real programmers did with slightly corrupted Unix file systems back then.

Corrupted definitions


containing errors or alterations; "a corrupt text"; "spoke a corrupted version of the language"

See also: corrupt


ruined in character or quality

See also: debased vitiated