Corn in a sentence as a noun

It just puts fructose corn syrup into your stomach.

The reason American Coke has high fructose corn syrup is because of the US sugar tariff.

I agree completely that corn subsidies are out of control, but it's not clear that getting rid of corn would solve the health problem.

"I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri.

Maybe if you put the American Empire in its place and position this in the latter half of the 2000s century and starving people want our rice/corn?

I am overwhelmed by the fact that if he didn't escape when he did, I would be in one of the prison camps doing hard labor and sorting through animal feces for undigested corn.

Corn in a sentence as a verb

Does weev get any compensation?I get that he's now retroactively never been convicted of a felony, but he was in prison focused on protecting his corn bread for a couple years.

Which means that any national politician who dreams of being President, or of working with any other that has that dream, has very direct incentives to keep corn growers happy.

It is heated and filtered and pollen-free, removing the extraordinary health benefits of honey, cut eith corn syrup, beet syrup or other sweeteners, and laced with pesticides and anti-biotics.

He's bitter about corn subsidies in the US."sweeteners, fuels, and plastics" -- high fructose corn syrup, corn ethanol, corn ethanol-derived polyethylene"price manipulation and straight forward mandate from their "Environmental" agency.

We destroy perhaps as many as 7 units of free energy in the environment and human economy to produce 1 unit of free energy as corn ethanol, and make a few clueless environmentalists happier and a few super rich corporations richer.

More relevant questions:- Why don't we stop subsidizing corn so much?- Why don't we teach effective nutrition and cooking in school?- Why don't we teach effective exercise, sports, and fitness in schools?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco sales to children, why not things like added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco advertising to children, why not products with added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- Why don't we limit advertising on fast and junk "food"?- Why don't we provide healthy lunches to school children instead of using them to subsidize agricultural conglomerates for low quality food?- Why don't we stop subsidizing fossil fuels so much so people would walk and ride bikes more?- Why don't we align our medical system with prevention instead of expensive and risky cures?You can come up with plenty more questions that would mostly obviate the need to wonder about obesity and wonder ***** to cure it.

Corn definitions


tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian times

See also: maize


the dried grains or kernels or corn used as animal feed or ground for meal


ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food


a hard thickening of the skin (especially on the top or sides of the toes) caused by the pressure of ill-fitting shoes

See also: clavus


(Great Britain) any of various cereal plants (especially the dominant crop of the region--wheat in Great Britain or oats in Scotland and Ireland)


whiskey distilled from a mash of not less than 80 percent corn


something sentimental or trite; "that movie was pure corn"


feed (cattle) with corn


preserve with salt; "corned beef"