Coordinated in a sentence as an adjective

It just smells of being rehearsed, and carefully coordinated to select such language.

I hypothesize that this is a coordinated yet simple ruse to rebuild trust in these brands post-Snowden [1][2].

It's hard to pinpoint exactly, but there was a time when it became clear that Microsoft's actions as a whole were increasingly getting less and less coordinated.

On the contrary, the aim is clearly to add new first-hand information to the public debate, which has hitherto been deliberately biased by extensive and coordinated efforts to repress that info.

The charge is that Faiella purposefully targeted Silk Road users, sold them BTC at a markup, and Shrem coordinated with him to bypass BitInstant's anti-money laundering mechanisms and deliver the actual Bitcoin.

Coordinated definitions


operating as a unit; "a unified utility system"; "a coordinated program"

See also: co-ordinated interconnected unified


being dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle movements; "she was usually good with her hands and well coordinated"- Mary McCarthy

See also: co-ordinated


intentionally matched; "curtains and walls were color coordinated"

See also: co-ordinated matching